Dan Schwartz 90 Seven Design
Proctor's Interface

Proctor's Desktop Interface

Proctor's Mobile Interface

Proctor's Mobile Interface

Student Interface - Selecting a Test

Student Interface - Selecting a Test: https://oakspt.tds.airast.org/student/

Student Interface - Taking a Test

Student Interface - Taking a Test: https://oakspt.tds.airast.org/student/

Test Delivery System

AIR’s Test Delivery System (TDS) is a platform of applications, originally developed for the State of Oregon, to administer achievement tests online. Gone are the days of students filling in bubbles with a #2 pencil and the costs associated with printing, shipping, managing, receiving and machine scoring paper tests.

As the UI designer involved with a very talented team of developers, my task was to help create 4 different web apps - one for students to take the test, one for proctoring the test, one for viewing reports, and one for administrative functions.

Particularly challenging was the development of the student user interface. Not only did it need to be intuitive to use, but it also had to look exactly the same across Windows, Linux and Max OS X platforms.

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